Specialised Translation for Dairy, Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock Industries

Brisbane Translation has established itself as a premier provider of translation services specifically tailored for the Dairy, Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock Industries. Our translators proudly cater to the unique translation needs of government departments, agricultural producers, and industry associations.
Farming stands as one of Australia’s vital industry sectors, contributing approximately 12% to the country’s GDP. Consequently, translation services have become increasingly critical in this sector. Our range of services includes translating packaging labels, meeting the language needs of non-English speaking staff, and translating crucial documents that facilitate the export of produce to international markets.
We recognise the importance of speed and precision, particularly when translating export and import documents associated with live produce.
Ensuring Quality Control, Proofreading and Certification
For import documentation translation, it is a requirement that the translation is certified by a NAATI translator at a professional level. Similarly, the translation of packaging labels should be vetted by a NAATI-accredited professional translator. This checking process helps identify interpretation errors and translation mistakes, allowing for necessary corrections and improvements.
Despite the strides made in translation technology over the past decade, businesses are warned against solely relying on software translation tools. These tools, while advanced, cannot always provide accurate translations, especially for public-facing materials.
A case in point is mistranslation we encountered involved an agriculture machinery manufacturer. The company used machine translation for their user manual, which was destined for the Latin American market.
Upon proofreading the manual, we discovered several significant errors. The most glaring one was the mistranslation of the term ‘Lubricate the machine regularly’ into Spanish. Instead of providing accurate maintenance instructions, the translation read as ‘Butter the machine regularly’.
While this humorous translation error may not lead to product mishandling as egregious as in the earlier example, it undoubtedly would cause confusion and could potentially harm the machine if someone tried to follow these bizarre maintenance instructions. Such errors underline the importance of employing professional translation services to ensure accurate and culturally appropriate translations.
Get Started
Email us directly the documents and language(s) required for a quick quote: [email protected].